Therapeutic Skin Coach

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Taking a TSC Time out; why I'm taking a Hayley Hiatus

As a business owner, it's difficult to fully clock out. I can't remember the last time I fully disconnected from anything that has to do with my work. During this time, I've lost a sense of who Hayley is without my work. On "vacations", I'm still posting/engaging in the non-stop stream of social media comments and DMs, answering lengthy, heavy emails from everything about running the business to the personal details of one’s skin health, and not to mention overworking before and after this "time off" to just afford the time off. I don't remember what it's like to not be 100% dedicated to the well-being of others nor do I remember what it feels like to put my own needs first. 

It’s time and the universe has asked me repeatedly to align. So here it is, a public declaration of true, vulnerable, absolutely terrifying surrender:

I’m taking a break, a time out, a reboot, a short term sabbatical, a vacation, a digital detox...whatever you want to call it, I’m doing it. I’m stepping away from all things Therapeutic Skin Coach for a few weeks. That means no emails, no social media, no texts, no calls, no facials, nothing.

The fusion of Hayley the person and Therapeutic Skin Coach is starting to confuse everyone attached to the idea of what it’s “supposed” to be. Including myself. But here is the truth; I’m the boss, this is my life, I’m not willing to show up feeling anything but present and aligned with what the universe has in store for me. My purpose is not to overwhelm myself, make myself smaller, deplete my energy, and validate everyone on their health journey and neglect my own. I didn’t choose this timing, it’s choosing me so I hope you respect it because I am begging you to. 

If you already had an appointment, I have already reached out to you. If you’re hoping to schedule an appointment, you can look ahead and do so here. If you’re interested in my courses and ebook, enjoy a 25% off discount during the entire duration of this break (use code “surrender” and for any questions see FAQs here). If you are interested in working with me in any other capacity (a trade, collab, review of your products, a question on your skin), I’m simply not open for business right now. When I will be is unclear and that scares me more than you.

The fear of losing relevance in this fast paced world where having any semblance of influence is part of what now seems like what success is meant to look like is what has held me back. I have been planning a break for so long, always having a reason to push it back. This time, the universe not only chose for me but it’s been screaming it to me for a long time. With no shows, last minute cancellations, and projects falling through after I show up as 100% as I physically, emotionally, and mentally can. I’ve put my heart out there for a long time, generously gifting myself to clients, followers, and anyone who wants something from me. I need me, future Hayley needs me, baby Hayley needs me and it’s time I just let her have even just an ounce of what I give to others. 

What I pray for is that on the other side of this I will be who I know I’m capable of being. It’s my 32nd birthday today and this year, my only wish is that I feel good in my body. That my heart is what leads me. That I listen to what I’m guided to do and stop desperately trying to control everything. If I were to ask you what it is that I teach and preach about, what would you say? It’s about listening to your body and the signs. I have to admit to been failing at this very practice for quite some time. It’s vulnerable for me to take this full leap of unwarranted faith in the universe but after much deliberation, I’m allowing the signs to finally let me align and take a much needed break. You hear that universe, I’m listening and I surrender. 

Thank you for your support and I’ll be back. xo - Hayely

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