How long do products last?
TSC Education Hayley Wood TSC Education Hayley Wood

How long do products last?

In our current times, the lack of control in the world outside of ourselves makes me look for solace in even the most menial of tasks. Organizing is one of the ways that has helped me with my anxiousness because I feel in control and structured enough when things feel like they are falling apart all around me. Organization means going through the cabinets, drawers, and all other compartments that accumulate junk or excess. For me, this typically means my toiletries and other beauty products. As privileged as that makes me sound, it’s my reality as you can see from this video where I organized my bathroom in my old LA apartment (I never thought I’d miss such a tiny space).

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Skincare SOS
TSC Education Hayley Wood TSC Education Hayley Wood

Skincare SOS

Have you ever woken up to a face flared in hives, a scaly rash, white head infections bursting everywhere, or heated in a flush that feels hot to the touch? The majority of you will answer with a reluctant yes. The reasons why our skin transitions from a normal, seemingly forgettable part of our daily existence to a skincare SOS can’t be simply explained. Try as I might, there are just some things I can’t predict or over-communicate in a session to help people prepare for such a skincare predicament. The last thing I want to see in my inbox after caring for someone endlessly for 90 minutes session accompanied with an email follow up that can take up to 2 hours to research and write up, is a subject line that screams: SKINCARE SOS!

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